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Function 33h (51)        Get or Set Ctrl-Break Status

    Reports the status of or sets extended Ctrl-Break checking.

       On entry:      AH         33h
                      AL         00h      to get BREAK state
                                 01h      to set BREAK state
                      DL         00h      to set BREAK OFF
                                 01h      to set BREAK ON

       Returns:       DL         00h      BREAK is OFF
                                 01h      BREAK is ON


    With DOS versions 2.00 and later, Ctrl-Break checking can be extended
    to take place any time input or output is requested via DOS. (DOS
    normally acts on Ctrl-Break only under a limited set of
    circumstances--during certain keyboard and screen functions.) Use
    Function 33h to toggle extended Ctrl-Break monitoring on or off.

       Note:          The default for Ctrl-Break monitoring is off.

                      The state of the control break flag can be set at
                      the DOS prompt with the "break on" command, so it is
                      a nice idea to save the state of the break flag and
                      restore it before returning to DOS.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson